Saturday, February 28, 2015

Hat Day!!

The weather was cool and it made for a GREAT hat day!! :) Watching the students run and play with their hats on was adorable...  Some were so busy playing they couldn't even walk over to me for a picture. haha

Enjoy the slideshow!!

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Dental Hygiene Visit

Image result for teeth clipart 

Today we were visited by Ms. Barbara from the Dentist office of Weaver & Stratton. She discussed baby teeth with the students and the things they should do so that their adult teeth grow strong and healthy. :) They learned that if we leave all the sugary foods on our teeth and we don't brush them... "Plaque Man" gets left behind.  (He is the worst super hero ever!!) She also brought her friend, Freddy, he is a dinosaur. :)   She brushed his teeth and then had him swish water around in his mouth.  Well Freddy is sometimes silly and he spit his swish out at the students. haha The giggles they made were adorable!!
ooh I almost forgot the best part... She also brought goody bags for ALL THE STUDENTS!! Tomorrow all the students will be bringing home their goody bags. :) 

If you are looking for a dentist... look no further!! Give Weaver and Stratton a call at 264-KIDS!! :) They are located at 1584-1 Kingsley Ave in Orange Park. Along with another office located at 112-203 Bartram Oaks Walk in Jacksonville.

Here are a few pictures we took during Ms. Barbara's Visit!
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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week of February 23

Our Resources for the week are: Monday- #1-18 ART and #19-37 MUSIC, Tuesday- #1-18 MEDIA and #19-37 P.E. and Friday- MUSIC. Wednesday is an Early Release Day. :)
SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDERS are due by Tuesday!! Also, we have a Dental Hygiene Presentation Tuesday afternoon. :)
Friday is HAT DAY. :) Make sure to keep your hat in your backpack!! We will wear the hats in the classroom and bring them outside during our Recess time.
Calleigh is bringing in Fun Friday Snacks!

“Pete the Cat” is helping us master the following benchmark: Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes and describe the relevant positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, next to, beside, in front of and behind. Here is the story we used to practice using the vocabulary above. ABOVE!! That’s one of our words. :) 

The sight words we are focusing on are from, their, which and each.  During skills we are doing lots of sound work!! We will practice rhyming through word families. The word family for this week is -ake. (Practice asking your child what words rhyme with "cake." Please make sure all their responses are real words~ do not accept pretend words like "hake" or "zake" as an answer.) We will continue practicing segmenting words (or as we all like to say in class "chopping up words"), producing ending sounds for words (PLEASE make sure your child knows that ending means last. I had lots of mistakes made on the test because of this confusion.), writing lowercase letters and substituting sounds for words at the beginning (ex hat~ change the /h/ to a /m/ and the new word is mat.)

Our Reading lessons will be about identifying the reasons an author gives to support their ideas in texts. (The students really need to listen to the stories to be able to do this!!) The topic is gardening. We will hear about animals in the gardens that can be pests and the ones that can be helpful. We will also hear about how gardening can be easy.

Our Writing lessons will be to write an opinion piece about School. Students will be expected to give a minimum of two reasons that support their opinion. They will need to illustrate their reasons and then write sentences to match them. We are REALLY stressing using sounds and spaces!! We are expecting students to write most/to all of the sounds they hear.

The books we will be reading are online and I'm unable to post them here. I couldn't post without including a video...So I found a Youtube video that is on our topic and will peak their interests. :)

As we continue to observe and discuss the day and night sky we will look closely at our daytime sky. This week we will focus on shadows. What are shadows and where do they come from? Try shadow making at home. Turn the lights off, get a flashlight and get to work making some shadows! This is a great way to spend some time with the family! Have fun! Be on the lookout for science homework this week.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

2D and 3D Shapes

We have been working a lot with shapes lately!! :) We have been naming them, drawing them and finding items around the room that are each shape... its been a lot of work and the class has done GREAT!!

Well Mrs. Pitts made up some fun shape centers that the students visited last week and they LOVED them so much, that she had to take some pictures. :)   The centers were: cubes, tinker toys, magnetic building sets, play dough, marshmallows, pretzel sticks, toothpicks and popsicle sticks.

Enjoy watching the slideshow and seeing all the smiling faces. :)
(ooh if you notice the students all seem to be looking down in the photos, it is because they were looking at themselves on the computer screen. I misplaced my camera and we had to use the laptops to take pictures. The students didn't mind at all... they LOVED getting to see themselves on the screen. haha)

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Our Visit with Officer Friendly

Yesterday we had a visit from Officer Gunter. She is our classroom's "Officer Friendly." :) 
(She's also a friend of mine and Mrs. Pitts. We LOVE her!!)
We've asked her a few times to come to our classroom this year and speak about safety with the class. Our schedules all aligned up and we were able to have her visit us yesterday. :) She spoke to the classroom about lots of important information. She told them 3 important things that they should know by the end of the Kindergarten~ their full name, phone number and their address. She discussed talking to strangers, ways to cross the street safely, the different colors on the stoplight and much, much more!!  She even gave the students honorary police badge stickers and some earned candy. :) Along with a police safety book to bring home and share with their families.

Then as if it couldn't get any better, she drove her patrol car around to the bus loop and turned on the lights and sirens for the class. Or wait, let me correct the sirens part... :) She chose one student to sit inside her patrol car and turn the sirens on!!! The lucky student was Dillon.

Enjoy the slideshow! :)

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Monday, February 16, 2015

Week of February 17

Hope everyone enjoyed the day off!

Our Resources for the week are: Tuesday- ART and Thursday- MUSIC.
Friday is CHARACTER T-SHIRT DAY. Wear your favorite character! :)
Camrun is bringing in Fun Friday Snacks and Orion will be joining the 6 year-old Club!!

This week is filled with hands-on activities! We will explore building 3-D shapes using a variety of materials including marshmallows, toothpicks, playdough, tinker toys, and paper. Check for a math post later in the week for pictures! We then move into a short unit on position words. Pete the Cat will help us use correct words to describe where things are located. Check out the story here!

The sight words we are focusing on are his, are, may and as.  During skills we are doing lots of sound work!! We will practice rhyming through word families. The word family for this week is -en. (Practice asking your child what words rhyme with "pen." Please make sure all their responses are real words~ do not accept pretend words like "fen" or "gen" as an answer.) We will continue practicing segmenting sounds, producing ending sounds for words and writing lowercase letters. 

Our Reading lessons will be about honoring Leaders, ones that we know of at home, at school and ones that lead or have lead our country. We will focus on George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama.
Here is a great Youtube Video that will have you moving! Enjoy!!

ooh right before I posted I noticed this rap going through all 44 Presidents. If you aren't familiar with the order... check it out! :)

We are discovering the day time sky. We will carefully observe things we can see and record them in our journals!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Week of February 9

This week is going to be GREAT!

Our Resources for the week are: Monday- #1-18 MUSIC and #19-37 P.E., Wednesday- MUSIC and Friday- #1-18 MEDIA and #19-37 P.E. Wednesday is an Early Release Day and Thursday is our Field Trip to the ZOO!! 
Friday is RED DAY. Wear as much red as you can!! Lets show we have great school spirit and keep our School Trophy. :) Friday we will be passing out our Valentine cards. Our twins, Emily and Ryan, will be bringing in Fun Friday Snacks.

**No School Monday, February 16. Enjoy the day off of School.**

The class is enjoying exploring shapes in our world. They have been busy creating pictures using a variety of shapes. This week we move into our study of 3-D shapes. Our focus is knowing the difference between 2-D and 3-D and then it will shift to comparing and analyzing them. Here is another fun shape video that includes many more shapes!

The sight words we are focusing on are an, big, many and now.  During skills we are doing lots of sound work!! We will practice rhyming through word families. The word family for this week is -op. (Practice asking your child what words rhyme with "top." Please make sure all their responses are real words~ do not accept pretend words like "zop" or "qop" as an answer.) We will practice segmenting sounds in words ("chopping it up"), an example is "zoo." When the students segment this word we expect to hear two separate sounds= /z/  /oo/. We will be practicing producing ending sounds for words and writing lowercase letters. 

I mentioned in last week's post our Reading lesson would go into this week and it has. Students will be asked to retell the story RUN AWAY! by Gerald McDermott. If they use the sequencing vocabulary~ First, Next, Then, Last, Finally, etc. that is great! If they don't, that is great too. :) What we are looking for is that the students can retell the story in the order the events happen. I expect this to take two days (36 students is A LOT!) So Wednesday and Friday we will listen to Valentine stories and practice retelling those stories.  
**Make sure to practice this standard at home! 

At the beginning of the week are wrapping up our brief unit on near, far, things appearing big and small depending on where we are observing them. On Thursday as we travel the zoo we will observe plants and animals, describe how they are alike and how they are different in the way they look and in the things they do. Then on Friday we practice science as we graph and create representations of our our work using Valentine candies! It should be a really sweet time!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

100th Day Celebration


 The 100th Day was GREAT!! We loved seeing all the 100th day homework bags the students made and we ADORED their writing! The students are doing a great job using their sounds. :)

In class we made 100 topping pizza's, 100 eyed monsters, 100th Day Headbands and we even made 100 Day Munch Mix. It was a very busy day!! 
(We want to give a big thank you to everyone that sent in items and helped to make the 100th day special. We couldn't have done it without all your support.)

Enjoying watching the slideshow! :)
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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Week of February 2

Tomorrow is the...

Our Resources for the week are: Monday- #1-18 P.E. and #19-37 MEDIA, Wednesday- #1-18 in the classroom and #19-37 P.E., Thursday- #1-18 MEDIA and #19-37 P.E.  and Friday- ART.

Fun Friday is Patriotic Day!! Brian will be bringing in Fun Friday Snacks. :)

We are starting the week off with an exciting day of 100! Counting to 100 by ones and tens is a Kindergarten benchmark and I am so happy that over 75% of our class has already mastered this goal! We are working on counting by tens starting at any number. For example, 3, 13, 23, 33 etc. After an eventful Monday we will return to Geometry. Working with hexagons and creating larger shapes out of smaller shapes will be our focus. Here is a great counting by tens video we just found. Enjoy!


The sight words we are focusing on are little, if, called and her.  During skills we are doing lots of sound work!! We will practice rhyming through word families. The word family for this week is -ing. (Practice asking your child what words rhyme with "ring." Please make sure all their responses are real words~ do not accept "fing" or "jing" as an answer.) We will practice segmenting sounds in words ("chopping it up"), an example is "dog." When the students segment this word we expect to hear three separate sounds= /d/  /o/  /g/. We will be practicing producing ending sounds for words and writing lowercase letters. 

Our Reading lesson for this week and rolling into next week is reviewing characters, setting and major events in a story. Along with retelling a familiar story. We will be reviewing this standard by using the book RUN AWAY! by Gerald McDermott. It is based off of a Kootenai Tale about a Little Rabbit and other animals. We will practice retelling the story daily with pictures and our sequencing vocabulary~ First, Next, Then, Last, Finally, etc.
**I want all the students to do well on this. So instead of rushing to test their ability to retell the story this week, I will be rolling the story into next week. So don't chuckle if my blog post is exactly the same. haha**

Our writing will be an informative piece about the steps we take to get dressed in the morning. Practice discussing the steps with your child so that they are prepared to share on Friday and get on with the writing.  :)
**PLEASE make sure your child does their writing homework. They need this practice! Parents can help their child sound out the words, but do not tell them what to write or write for them. 

We will continue to explore size relative to where an object is located compared to where we are standing.

Stuffed Animals, Slippers and our Class Tree

So I had issues with Smilebox and finally got them all resolved. :)
So here are pictures from Stuffed Animal Day, from Slippers Day and we took the class outside and visited our Class Tree.
 (All the classes adopted a tree on campus back in November. :) We took pictures with our little tree.) If you don't recall the big Tree Planting event, you can watch the video on First Coast News by clicking this link.
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